Thursday, February 15, 2007

what eva

so because the "thing" commonly refered to as "the Dog"
does laundry with mom she for some reason thought that I should do it too.....

mmmhmmm this is me...... folding clothes....mmmmhmm yupper right on top of it, be done in no time.

yah as you can see I soooooo care about folding clothes


Sherman said...

Wow! As you sleep does it just magicly get done. Sounds to me your tring to steal thee attention from the dog.

Daisy said...

Hi Gilbert! Fresh laundry is fun to sleep on. I am glad to meet you!

Phoebe said...

The "folding laundry" chore is best done in a supervisory capacity. And supervising is good to do from inside the laundry basket. I think i will write a helpful instructional post about laundry.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i wuz laffin an laffin at u foldin da clothez, gilbert.
i miself don't fold da clothez. i leeve dat up to mi brudder mickey.

SchneiderHein said...

Really nice to see Mr. G. sleeping.
Our Maus&Allegra like to sleep on fresh laundry in the basket when it is still warm from the clothes dryer...